Sunday, July 29, 2012

Measure of Good Delivery

 What is good Delivery?
        Good Delivery is talking to people. This provokes a stimulating exchange of attitudes and ideas and a rewarding interaction between the speaker and listener. This situation maybe called SPEAKER,AUDIENCE,EMPATHY OR RAPPORT.


         There are several ways by which a speaker may communicate his message to the audience. These are by:

         1. Speaking from manuscript.
         2. Speaking from memory.
         3. Impromptu speaking, and
         4. Speaking extemporaneously.

Speaking From Manuscript
                  This simply means reading your speech from the manuscript. The advantages are: One is free from the fear of making slips of the tongue, from relying in catch-as-catch can language; from the danger of running overtime or being cut off before you have finished. The disadvantages are that sometimes the speaker plants himself behind a lectern, buries his face and lapses into sing-song recital of words while his mind wanders off.

Speaking From Memory

                  Special events, like formal ceremonial occasion sometimes call for memorized speeches. This method free the speaker from the manuscript and preserves the advantage of a carefully written speech.


                    An impromptu speech is one that we had no opportunity to prepare beforehand. Much of our conversation is nothing more than a series of short, impromptu speeches.
                    In this method, one has to decide on the substance, purpose and plan of his remarks as he stands to speak. He composes and delivers his talks at the same time. The best preparation for impromptu speaking is primarily experience in extemporaneous speaking.


                    Extemporaneous speaking is simply unmemorized speaking that has been prepared in advance. One investigates, analyzes, selects and outlines his materials so that he knows beforehand what he wants to say and the order in which he will say them But he supplies the language for his speech at the time he delivers it. It is not canned but rather combines the vigor gained from one's study with freedom and flexibility and spontaneity when one faces a live audience.
                   It is advisable to practice one's extemporaneous speech before delivering it. This will give one a chance to test one's ideas, fix the outline in mind and develop a feel for the sound and swing of your talk.

Sample Declamation Piece:


                The night is full of horror... do you hear? There are cries and shouts
in the distance But far, far away... I seem to hear an echoing in the sky, as if the
courts of heaven were shaken___ as though the very throne of God were rocking...
Do I rave? Is my grief driving me mad? Oh, no, no...! The powers of evil are closing
in around us,___ heaven itself is full of dread this monstrous night! The very stars are
Shuddering with fear...Oh! Where....where is the master now? What are they doing to him?

              They struck Him? O. God of Israel. No wonder the thundering rocked thy throne.
No wonder their echoes filled the skies! They spat on Him? On His face.... the glory of heaven
... the light of the world? O; why... why did His apostles leave Him? He called you the Rock,
His sure foundation. The very gates of Hell you can defy! Why did you leave Him, Simon
Peter, why?

             What did you say? You... you betrayed Him? You betrayed Him instead of fighting
for Him?

             Oh, Simon, I understand your grief. My soul was  as scarlet, yet, He made it white
as snow. In pride I betrayed Him, you Simon Peter, in weakness....He restored me in humility
you, Simon, He will restore in strength!

            O Lord, God of Israel! They gave Him blows! They struck Him, and His own...
Betrayed by Judas, denied by Simon Peter! The Shepherd is struck and the sheep scattered
...Ah, my heart breaks with pity for the Lamb led to slaughter...!

Sample Oration:

                                             Despair of Judas

                (Judas recalls the disfigured Face, the washing of the feet, the breaking of the
               bread, the betraying kiss and the friendly voice that called him friend. But he lost
               his faith in Him- as well as his hope.)

                 I will rest, here, as awhile.///His Face!// His Face! not comely now.//There is no beauty
  in it.// It is scarred into my heart.///It is burned into my soul/ and never will it lift from me until I die.///
  Die?///Will death quench the flames which consumes me?// Traitor,//not endless years in hell will
  pay the crime of murdering the Son of God./

                And last night He dealt with me so gently.///He washed my feet.///He bade me put my hand
  into the cup with His,//while in my purse there jingled the coins which bought His blood.///"It were
  better for that man,/that he never had been born!///Who!//Who but I!//Who but I!//I, who betrayed

               "What you do,//do quickly."//He knew,/and kept my sin a secret.///"Friend,where unto have
  you come,// Judas,/Judas,// do you betray the Son of God with a kiss?"///Friend!/Friend!//He called me
  His friend!// The man I betrayed called me His Friend,/// How Hell must have laughed,//Why did not
  the mountains fall on me?// Why did not the earth gape and swallow me up?// Why did not the sea
  overwhelm me?// Friend, Ha!Ha!/ Friend,! Ha! Ha! Ha! The world will know Judas/ as the friend.//
  The world will point to Judas, as by word and as a pledge of broken faith!////
               Do you think Judas,/ that you can hide from the Father of your Friend, Jesus?//Not even in hell
  can I escape,//Not in the grave/ for the earth would spurn my corpse.//Not in heaven for Jesus,/ the
  Friend/ will be there!////

             What hope for Judas....///What hope for Judas....///Not even in hell can I escape for He called
  me devil/ and devils cried out/ "torment us not, Jesus,//Judas, faithless friend,/devil,/ one for whom it
  would have been better not to have been born.//There is no hope for you,//no hope,//no//hope,// no//

Glimpse of 2011 (PNHS(MAIN) English Month:


